Project Donor(s): AfDB
Within the framework of ECOWAS vision 2020, the Africa Development ( AfDB) bank was able to support the ECOWAS commission through the Projet d’Appui a la CEDEAO pour la Paix et le Développement ( PADEP), That Is the Support to ECOWAS for Peace and Development Project. This project was anchored by ECOWAS Peace Fund.
PADEP project has a sectorial objective to contribute to promoting peace in the member countries of ECOWAS. The specific objective is to strengthen the institutional capacities of ECOWAS and civil society in countries experiencing conflict, with a view to achieving coordination and implementation of conflict management and prevention actions in an environment characterized by good governance.
This project was supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB) with a grant amounting to Fifteen millions US dollars (USD 15,000,000), the project is designed to spread across the 15 ECOWAS Member States with emphasis on the four countries (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Guinea Bissau) that have been hard hit with wars or conflict related crisis. PADEP implementation started on 1st May, 2006.
The three components of the project are:
- Capacity Building for ECOWAS
- Support to the ECOWAS Peace and Development Programme, and
- Project Management. The second component encompasses three (3) subcomponents, namely, the setup of ECOWAS Volunteers Programme; the development of a Training Reference Manual on the Culture of Peace, citizenship and Human Rights; and the socio-economic integration and rehabilitation of refugees and returnees in the four (4) aforementioned countries. Three (3) main partners were involved, namely, the united Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV), United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) UNESCO and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Among the notable achievements of PADEP Project are the:
1. Establishment and funding of ECOWAS Peace Fund (EPF)
2. ECOWAS Development of Youth Volunteers Programme
ECOWAS Volunteers are a group of volunteer men and women (18 to 35 years) from ECOWAS countries, with the capacity to adapt to different social, cultural and political circumstances. They are deployed in selected community-based associations, national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and specialised agencies that are active in socio-economic, cultural, political, and humanitarian work. The volunteers will help consolidate peace, recovery, national reconciliation and rehabilitation in crisis-affected communities. It is expected of the members of the volunteer corps to strengthen the capacities of local organisations by assisting them in the development and implementation of projects and programmes. This initiative complements existing programmes for Peace Building and national volunteer’s programmes in ECOWAS Member States. It helps to address the structural causes of vulnerability, instability or outbreaks of violence in the region.
The process of establishing the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme, which effectively started in 2006, included fact-finding missions to Member States (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivoire, Togo, and Guinea Bissau). The objective was to develop the programme, taking into account the realities on the ground. The development of this Programme has been a participatory and interactive process coordinated by the ECOWAS Peace Fund, in conjunction with the ECOWAS Youth & Sports Development Centre. It involved stakeholders from various departments and divisions at the ECOWAS Commission, ECOWAS Member States, Civil Society organisations, Youths, United Nations Volunteers, UNESCO and the African Development Bank, among others.
A comprehensive project concept paper was then developed, including the implementation strategy and the design of a Manual on Management and Administrative Procedures for the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. The Volunteers Programme was accepted by the stakeholders and endorsed by the Authorities of ECOWAS Institutions in 2008 (Ministers of Youth & Sports of West Africa; ECOWAS Council of Ministers). The Council of Ministers further enjoined the ECOWAS Commission to fast-track the implementation of the programme.
The ECOWAS Volunteers Programme was officially launched on Friday, 26 March 2010 in Monrovia, Liberia, by the President of the Commission, H.E. Ambassador James Victor GBEHO.
some 160 volunteers initially was expected to be selected for the pilot phase in four countries – Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia and Sierra Leone and the other 15 Member States in the long-term. This is estimated to cost more than US$5.3 million, out of which the African Development Bank has graciously donated US$3 million, the European Union EUR420,000 and United Nations Volunteers US$300,000.
“This programme seeks to consolidate peace, recovery, national reconciliation and rehabilitation in crisis-affected communities, with the ECOWAS volunteer strengthening the capacities of local organisations by assisting them in the development and implementation of core projects and programmes.
“This initiative complements existing programmes for peace-building and national volunteer programmes, with the purpose of addressing the structural causes of vulnerability, instability or outbreaks of violence in the region.”
Role of the ECOWAS Volunteers?
The contributions of the volunteers includes:
- Strengthening the capacities of local organisations in order to assist them in the development and implementation of projects and programmes involving volunteers.
- Promoting a culture of peace
- Promoting gender equality
- Establishing and supporting partnerships between communities
- Linking up communities with technical and financial support services
- Networking and collaborating with other development partners
What are the main criteria for the selection of the volunteers?
Criteria for the selection of Volunteers include:
- Age: 18 to 35
- Citizenship of ECOWAS countries
- High school education (as a minimum)
- Proven leadership capacity and/or experience
- No criminal record
- Experience in volunteer work (formal or informal)
- Apolitical (not engaged in any political activity)
- Ability to adapt to different social, cultural and political circumstances
Number of volunteers by country of assignment
Country of assignment | Total | Female | Male |
Guinea | 40 | 10 | 30 |
Liberia | 20 | 7 | 13 |
Sierra Leone | 21 | 4 | 17 |
Total | 81 | 21 | 60 |
Number of volunteers by country of origin
Country of origin | Total |
Benin | 2 |
Burkina Faso | 10 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 4 |
The Gambia | 1 |
Ghana | 7 |
Mali | 8 |
Niger | 3 |
Nigeria | 17 |
Senegal | 6 |
Sierra Leone | 4 |
Togo | 19 |
Total | 81 |
Togo, Nigeria and Burkina Faso are the three countries with the highest number of volunteers. Cape Verde, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Liberia don’t have any volunteer
Number of volunteer by area of assignment
Area of assignment | Total |
Mathematics teacher | 13 |
Chemistry teacher | 8 |
Physics teacher | 12 |
French teacher | 17 |
General Science teacher | 4 |
Curriculum Development Specialist | 1 |
Biology teacher | 1 |
Midwives / Nurses | 18 |
Laboratory Technician | 2 |
Environment Specialist | 1 |
Mental Health Specialist | 1 |
Project Development / Youth Specialist | 1 |
Total | 81 |
69 % of the volunteers are assigned to the education sector, 30% to the health sector and 1% to the youth sector (VOLUNTEERS WEBSITE).
The ultimate goal of the manual is to build a critical mass of ECOWAS citizens through Education to equip with competent skills not only for cognitive and psycho’ motor domains of education, but also effective skills for positive values, attitudes and behaviours that promotes peace, tolerance and peaceful coexistence of community citizens which is necessary to engender and promote peace, development and regional integration.
This manual is a product of the wide consultative process initiated in 2006 across the West African region and which borrows from the experiences of experts in peacebuilding in the region and outside, including from UNIESCO represents a great assets to all lovers of peace in the ECOWAS region.
The manual comprises of seven modules dealing with the culture of peace and conflict management, human right, activism and citizenship, democracy and good governance, gender and development, public health, environment and sustainable development, regional integration. Each modules has sub themes with introductions and reference material general objectives to guide the trainer and generic pedagogical tables that is flexible enough to be adapted to available teaching resources in the different ECOWAS countries. It is also suitable and adaptable to the training of teachers involved in both formal and informal education deliveries at different levels of teaching and learning.
The first phrase of the project ran from 2006 to 2011 and including fact finding missions to the six countries as well as sharing of experiences, and the draft outline of the manual.
A second phrase was launched in 2012 to finalize and disseminate the manual (in paper copies and online) and to train trainers of trainers.
The project focuses on six countries affected by crises or post-conflict countries, namely Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Togo.
ECOWAS Commission is in the process of developing an on-line portal for convenience, scheduling, flexible and easy accessibility.
The Manual on the culture of peace is produced and translated in both all ECOWAS official Languages namely: English, French & Portuguese
With the help of the Africa Development Bank AfDB project ‘’ the Support to ECOWAS for Peace and Development Program (PADEP)’’ which is Anchored by ECOWAS Peace Fund, developed and promoted a three durable solution: voluntary repatriation/integration, local integration and resettlement. This durable solution is to allow the stabilization and settlement of populations either back home or in the country of asylum and therefore contributing to the peace and development in the region and the recovery of local economies in the post conflict period. This project was to be test run in four pilot countries namely: Liberia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Sierra Leone
Although peace and security was restored in West Africa countries, a number of countries like, Liberia, Guinea, Guinea, Bissau and Sierra Leone are still struggling with fragile peace and security in the region with the case of refugees and returnees posing a big problem.
Most of the refugees in West Africa are in protracted situation and majority of them are living in urban area in a despicable state and them not being able to contribute as gent of development in their various areas. This however poses several challenges, in particular in a socio economic environment which is made up of fragile due to the food, fuel and financial crisis.
- Humanitarian achievements in Sierra LeoneThis intervention is to increase the capacity of refugees and the local communities for peaceful coexistence
- 3928 were locally integrated
- 550 refugees’ families provided with permanent shelters (Kenema District – Hangha, Gbenderu, Jembe, Tobanda, Jimmi, Gerihun, Bandajuma, Tiama. Gondama, Banduma, East of Freetown, Bo urban and Kissi Town near Water Loo, West of Freetown
- 120,000 benefitted from water support with the construction of seven (7) bore holes, training on water management and treatment of water with chlorine, provision of tool kit and spare part for the well maintenance and the fencing of well to increase hygiene wells in Gerihun and four (4) in kissi town)
- Construction of 450 family drop holes latrines (311 in urban & 139 in rural Settlement)
- 350 vulnerable families supported with small business assistance
- 250 Head of families receives seeds and tools including Technical support
- 200 heads families received Income Generating Activities (IGA) and start up kits and Technical support
- 30 Youths benefits from various skills training
- 310 trained on business management
- 200 trained in various life skills training ( carpentry, masonry, hair dressing, soap making, tailoring, street side trading, secretarial work and information technology)
- 269 persons supported with business items to support their businesses
- 119 received crops for planting (maize, cassava, rice, groundnuts, and sweet potatoes)
- Two (2) agro industry units constructed in Tobanda & Bandajuma for garri production
- One soap production unit constructed in Gerihun
- 11 solar driers set up in various location for vegetable preservation
- Two groups of 10 persons and one group of 8 supported with vegetable seeds
- Humanitarian achievements in Guinea Bissau
- Medical supply and Construction of clinic in Djolmet and 1 in Saian; 1 maternity clinic rehabilitation in Sao Domingo
- 355 local integrating refugees received agricultural tools & seeds in Djolmete Bachil& Mbaian Concentracao
- 700 Local Integrated families received construction materials for permanent shelters in Sila
- Provision of expert in water engineering and monitoring
- Medical supply and Construction of clinic in Djolmet and 1 in Saian; 1 maternity clinic rehabilitation in Sao Domingo
- Humanitarian achievements in Liberia
- Rehabilitation of vayeamah elementary school at vayeamah community of kakata township
- Rehabilitation of new Georgia Foundation House day care school, new Georgia estate, Mont. County
- The extension work on Du-Port maternity ward Paynesville
- Repair of two hand pumps in Sinje- Grand Cape Mount County
- Provision of medicine and medical supplies
- Construction of 3 class rooms in Tienii
- Provision of 320 school desk in sinje
- Construction of 50 units of durable shelters and 2 hand pumps in Tienii
- Distribution of Micro grants and start up kits for small business & business management and skill training for women and adolescent in Montserrado, Nimba& Grand Gedeh
- 15 families received livelihood package for local integration in Senji
- Support for skill training and start up package in Nima & Grand Gedeh counties
- Training of partners on livelihood in Monrovia
- Training of community leaders and provision of training materials on HIV/AIDS and SGBV IN Grand Cape Mount
- 344 returnees received cash grant and support
- Humanitarian achievements in Guinea
- Construction of 5 water system in Kouankan & Laine Formota
- Rehabilitation and equipment of 2 health facilities and support the refugues access to micro health insurance
- Construction of 75 housing unit for refugees families in Kouankan & Laine Formota
- Distribution to 300 persons with agricultural tools & seeds in Kouankan & Laine Formota
- 100 persons were given micro grants
- Provision piggery and fish pond as income generating activities in Kouankan & Laine Formota
Through this PADEP project which was implemented by ECOWAS Peace Fund the following was achieved in the Directorate of Early Warning:
- Procurement and installation of required goods, equipment, services and miscellaneous for the acquisition of video conferencing network
- Procurement of Technical Assistance ( training) statistically analysis for Earl warning Team Analysts
- Procurement of Technical Assistance ( training) Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis for Earl warning Team Analysts
- Staff from the Management unit which is ECOWAS Peace Fund and other stakeholders within the commission benefitted from the capacity building programme
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